Language Barrier Blues

Accommodating answering to accommodate all. Unlike many countries around the world, the United States has no official language. Ours is a culture of mixed backgrounds, customs and languages, a place where people’s differences are celebrated, not overshadowed. And because our country teaches us to embrace the traits that set us apart, shouldn’t your business or practice be equally accommodating?

What to Look For

Is your answering service meeting your needs? In a perfect world, you’d be there for your patients and customers 24/7 – there to answer every call, email and incoming message they’re sending your way. But try as you might, you simply can’t. Voicemails can be a good safety net, but callers don’t always have the patience to leave messages. Receptionists can help cover the phones, but can quickly become too expensive when you’re on a budget. When you’re in a bind and need an affordable service to manage your incoming communications, a telephone answering service could be just the answer.

Waste Not.

Wasted time means wasted business. From the time they are young, children are engrained with a list of life lessons that they’ll carry with them forever: say please and thank you, look both ways before crossing the street, sharing is caring, respect your elders, the list goes on. And among these important values, children are also taught to value time – both their own, and other’s. Time is one of the most valuable commodities in life because it’s completely out of our control. And that’s why it’s so important to make the most of every minute.